Business & Intellectual Property Law

Business & Intellectual Property Law

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Association boards should not wait for legislation before inspecting and repairing deteriorating balconies Los Angeles Times September 30, 2017

Is a gray-water system right for your condo complex? Los Angeles Times October 2, 2016

For the Record Los Angeles Times June 29, 2016

Homeowner board limits who can attend its meetings Los Angeles Times April 17, 2016

Improper disposal of prescription drugs can put people and homeowners association at risk. Los Angeles Times Feb 28, 2016

Undoing a homeowner association attorney's unwanted project. Los Angeles Times Feb 21, 2016

Can a homeowner association shift repair costs to owners? Los Angeles Times Feb 14, 2016

HOA rejects late payments, opts to foreclose; is that legal? Los Angeles Times AUG 10, 2014

Wild edible plants pose liability risks to homeowners association Los Angeles Times August 10, 2014

Does homeowner board need to disclose legal expenses? Los Angeles Times March 2, 2014

Unassigned parking spaces spark fight among unit owners Los Angeles Times August 9, 2013

Does homeowners association have to carry earthquake insurance? Los Angeles Times July 19, 2013

Can board place association funds in risky investments? Los Angeles Times June 1, 2013

When past-due payments are overseen by lawyers Los Angeles Times May 18, 2013

Uploading Content to a Sever for Streaming Does Not Violate a License for Public Performance Cyberspace Lawyer November 2011, Volume 16, Issue 10

No Requirements to Plead Specific Trade Secrets in Claim Under the Illinois Trade Secrets Act or the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Cyberspace Lawyer October 2011, Volume 16, Issue 9

Claims Against the Time Warner Cable's Road Runner Internet Service Barely Survive Defendant's Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings Cyberspace Lawyer October 2011, Volume 16, Issue 9

State Government See eTaxes as a Potential Silver Lining to Cloud Services Cyberspace Lawyer October 2011, Volume 13, Issue 10

Cloud Law: Privacy and Security (Part II) e-Commerce Law Report September 2011, Volume 13, Issue 9

A Qualifying Loss Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act May Include Bartered Services Cyberspace Lawyers August 2011, Volume 16, Issue 7

Wife's Use of A GPS Tracker to spy on Husband Suspected of Cheating Not a Violation of Privacy Rights Cyberspace Lawyer August 2011, Volume16, Issue 7

There is No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy In Your IP Address-or-Why You Shouldn't Steal Your Neighbor's Wifi Cyberspace Lawyer August 2011, Volume 16, Issue 7

Cloud Law: Privacy and Security (Part I) E-Commerce Law Report July 2011, Volume 13, Issue 8

In The Cloud E-Commerce Law Report July 2011, Volume 13, Issue 7

The 9th Circuit Weights In On The Application of FACTA to Emailed Receipts and Offers Drafting Tips for Forum Selection Clauses Cyberspace Lawyer July 2011, Volume 16, Issue 6

Presence of Flash Cookies Insufficient Damage to Supporting Stand Cyberspace Lawyer July 2011, Volume 16, Issue 6

NCAA Student-Athlete Lawsuit Set to Proceed Following Grant of Electronic Arts' Motion to Dismiss Certain Claims Cyberspace Lawyer July 2011, Volume 16, Issue 6

Domain Register Found Liable for Improper Transfer of Domain Name Cyberspace Lawyer July 2011, Volume 16, Issue 6

Copyright Claims Cyberspace Lawyer une 2011, Volume 16, Issue 6

Fun With Unilateral Contracts Cyberspace Lawyer June 2011, Volume 16, Issue 5

A Violation of Your Employer's Computer Use Policy Can Mean a Violation of the CFAA Cyberspace Lawyer June 2011, Volume 16, Issue 5

Posting Photos Online Doesn't Imply a License to Use/Distribute Cyberspace Lawyer June 2011, Volume 16, Issue 5

FTC Is Not Required to Show Substantial Injury That Was Not Reasonably Avoidable by Consumers in a Deception Case Cyberspace Lawyer May 2011, Volume 16, Issue 4

Previous DMCA Take-down Notices Do Not Shift the Burden to a Service Provider to Conduct a Search for Additional Infringing Content Cyberspace Lawyer May 2011, Volume 16, Issue 4

Only the Holder of an Exclusive Right Has Standing to Bring a Claim for Copyright Infringement Cyberspace Lawyer April 2011, Volume 16, Issue 3

Sofech Denied Preliminary Injunction Due to Essential Step Defense Cyberspace Lawyer April 2011, Volume 16, Issue 3

The Direct Marketing Association Is Granted a Preliminary Injunction Against Colorado's New Tax Collection Obligations Imposed on Out-of-State Retailers Cyberspace Lawyer March 2011, Volume 16, Issue 2

Less Spam on Facebook! Cyberspace Lawyer March 2011, Volume 16, Issue 2

Trademark Owner Loses Rights Through Naked Licensing Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2011, Volume 16, Issue 1

SDNY Gives Sellify a Lesson in Ageny Law Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2011, Volume 16, Issue 1

Court Denies Summary Judgment Motion from Marketing Company Sued for Alleged Infringement of its Client's Website Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2011, Volume 16, Issue 1

Holding a Domain for Ransom Can Lead to Damages Under the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act Even When the Domain Was Not Originally Registered in Bad Faith Cyberspace Lawyer December 2010, Volume 15, Issue 11

Defendent Slammed for Sending Multiple Bogus Takedown Notices to eBay Cyberspace Lawyer December 2010, Volume 15, Issue 11

You Do Not Have a Constitutional Right to Use Facebook!? Cyberspace Lawyer December 2010, Volume 15, Issue 11

Ninth Circuit Holds That Record Contract is Unambiguous in the Application of License Royalty Rate to Digital Downloads Cyberspace Lawyer November 2010, Volume 15, Issue 10

Unauthorized Access of E-Mails Stored on Hard Drive Does Not Violate the Stored Communications Act Cyberspace Lawyer November 2010, Volume 15, Issue 10

7th Circuit Holds that the Operation of a Website Alone Does Not Subject a Defendant to Personal Jurisdiction, Even With Actual Notice of Alleged Trademark Infringement Cyberspace Lawyer November 2010, Volume 15, Issue 10

Ninth Circuit Establishes Standard to Distinguish Between an Owner and Licensee (Most Purchasers are Licensees) Cyberspace Lawyer October 2010, Volume 15, Issue 9

Unauthorized Access of E-mails Stored on Hard Drive Does Not Violate the Stored Communications Act Cyberspace Lawyer October-November 2010, Volume 15, Issue 10

Washington Supreme Court Says That It's Still Gambling Even If You're Not Required to Pay Cyberspace Lawyer October 2010, Volume 15, Issue 9

District Court for the District of Columbia Confirms That There is No Expectation of Privacy in Internet Subscriber Information Cyberspace Lawyer October 2010, Volume 15, Issue 9

AOL denied preliminary injunction against allegedly infringing trademark use due to a finding that its "" mark is generic Cyberspace Lawyer September 2010, Volume 15, Issue 8

9th Circuit Rules on Nominative Fair Use Defense as it applies to domain names Cyberspace Lawyer September 2010, Volume 15, Issue 8

Sales on eBay Do Not Lead to Personal Jurisdiction in the Buyer's State Cyberspace Lawyer August 2010, Volume 15, Issue 7

Language Education Website eVisa Found to Dilute the Visa Trademark Cyberspace Lawyer August 2010, Volume 15, Issue 7

No Unauthorized Use of Name or Likeness Without a Showing of Product or Service Promotion Cyberspace Lawyer August 2010, Volume 15, Issue 7

Service of Process by E-Mail Cyberspace Lawyer July 2010, Volume 15, Issue 6

Setting Up a MySpace Page for Someone Else (Other Than Your Cat) Could Lead to Criminal Liability Cyberspace Lawyer July 2010, Volume 15, Issue 6

No Claim for Data Breach Without Actual Harm Cyberspace Lawyer July 2010, Volume 15, Issue 6

District Attorney Enjoined from Imposing Mandatory "Sexting" Education Program in Lieu of Prosecution Cyberspace Lawyer May 2010, Volume 15, Issue 4

Domain Names Lack Standing to Defend Seizure Cyberspace Lawyer May 2010, Volume 15, Issue 4

Common Sense is not the Standard for Determining Duty Cyberspace Lawyer May 2010, Volume 15, Issue 4

No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in an Unsecured Wireless Network Cyberspace Lawyer April 2010, Volume 15, Issue 3

More or "Less Sophisticated than a Typical Teenager's Facebook Page"- The New Standard for Conducting Jurisdictional Based on a Website? Cyberspace Lawyer March 2010, Volume 15, Issue 2

District Court Finds A Heightened Standard to Unmask an Anonymous Non-Party Speaker Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1

Proof of Participating in the Creation of Defamatory Statements is Required to Defeat Immunity Under CDA 230 Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1

CDA Section 230 Immunizes Website Owner from Injunction Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1

Missouri Court of Appeals Gives Guidance for the Enforcement of Browse-Wrap Agreements Cyberspace Lawyer January-February 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1

No Receipt Required for the Seizure of E-Mail Cyberspace Lawyer November 2009, Volume 14, Issue 11

Warrants for E-Mail Must Meet the Particularity Requirement and Affidavits Must be Attached to Have Any Bearing on the Legitimacy of the Warrant Cyberspace Lawyer November 2009, Volume 14, Issue 11

9th Circuit Applies National Community Standards for Internet Speech Cyberspace Lawyer November 2009, Volume 14, Issue 11

Impeachment by Facebook Status Update? Cyberspace Lawyer October 2009, Volume 14, Issue 9

Internet "Trash Talk" Can Still be Defamatory Cyberspace Lawyer October 2009, Volume 14, Issue 9

Lying When Signing Up for Online Service Not a Crime Cyberspace Lawyer October 2009, Volume 14, Issue 9

New Jersey Blogger Denied Shield Protection and Liable for Damages Without Evidence of Actual Harm Cyberspace Lawyer August 2009, Volume 14, Issue 7

District Court Denies Blockbuster's Motion to Compel Arbitration Based on an Illusory Clause Cyberspace Lawyer July 2009, Volume 14, Issue 6

Single Publication Rule Applies to Online Defamation Cyberspace Lawyer July 2009, Volume 14, Issue 6

Real Rights of Publicity Give Way to First Amendment Rights in a Fantasy Game Cyberspace Lawyer July 2009, Volume 14, Issue 6

Wikipedia is NOT a Source Whose Accuracy Cannot Br Reasonably Questioned Cyberspace Lawyer July 2009, Volume 14, Issue 6

Stick to Twitter on your Office Computer and Stay Out of Jail Cyberspace Lawyer June 2009, Volume 14, Issue 5

Yahoo Could Be Liable for an Unnecessary Promise to Remove Third-Party Content Cyberspace Lawyer June 2009, Volume 14, Issue 5

California Violent Video Game Act Is Running Out of Extra Lives Cyberspace Lawyer May 2009, Volume 14, Issue 4

Fourth Circuit Says Statutory Damages Under the Stored Communications Act Are Reserved for Those That Are Actually Damaged Cyberspace Lawyer May 2009, Volume 14, Issue 4

First Circuit Says Truth is a Defense to Defamation, but Only in Moderation Cyberspace Lawyer April 2009, Volume 14, Issue 3

Good Faith is Too Soft, Summary Judgment is Too Hard, Prima Facie is Just Right Cyberspace Lawyer April 2009, Volume 14, Issue 3

Taxation in Virtual Worlds e-Commerce Law Report March 2009, Volume 11, Issue 3

Atlantic Recording v. XM Satellite Radio e-Commerce Law Report November 2007, Volume 9, Issue 11

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